The significance of innate immunity in juvenile idiopathic arthritis


Dubravka Bobek, Marija Jelušić


For years it was thought that the disorder of adaptive immunity is critical in the pathogenesis of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). However, the results of recent studies emphasize the importance of innate immunity and especially the role of alarmins, a group of multifunctional proteins that are released into the intercellular space during tissue injury or inflammation, mobilizing and activating the cells of innate immunity. These data indicate that inflammation triggered by alarmins plays a role in the pathogenesis of JIA. Furthermore, alarmins may serve as inflammatory markers and targets of therapy.

Godinama se poremećaj stečene imunosti smatrao ključnim u imunopatogenezi juvenilnog idiopatskog artritisa (JIA) te su istraživanja bila usmjerena na mrežu citokina koja je uključena u stečeni imunosni odgovor. Međutim, rezultati novijih istraživanja sve više upućuju na to da poremećaj prirođene imunosti igra važnu ulogu u patogenezi JIA te da aktivacija stanica prirođene imunosti uvelike ovisi o alarminima ili molekulama pridruženim oštećenju. Iz navedenog proizlazi da bi alarmini mogli sudjelovati u imunopatogenezi bolesti i koristiti se kao biljezi i mete liječenja JIA.