
Đurđica Babić-Naglić


Polymyositis, dermatomyositis and inclusion body myositis are rare inflammatory myopathies characterized by muscle weakness. Regardless of pharmacological treatment in most patients remain muscle weakness and inability to perform daily activities. Until recently, the prevailing opinion was that active exercises can exacerbate the inflammatory activity in the muscles and is now known that active exercise and exercise with resistance improve strength and endurance of muscles, aerobic capacity and overall functional ability. Exercises are prescribed according to the disease activity, manual muscle test or dynamometer measurements, range of motion, cardiorespiratory capacity and clinical status of the locomotor system. Each of the components can be influenced by targeted exercises and should be a integral part of myositis therapy.

Polimiozitis, dermatomiozitis i inkluzijski miozitis su rijetke idiopatske miopatije čija je zajednička klinička karakteristika slabost mišića. Bez obzira na farmakološko liječenje u većine bolesnika zaostaje mišićna slabost i nesposobnost za obavljanje dnevnih radnji. Donedavno je prevladavalo mišljenje da aktivne vježbe pogoršavaju upalnu aktivnost u mišićima, a danas se zna da aktivne i vježbe s otporom poboljšavaju mišćnu snagu i izdržljivost, aerobni kapacitet i ukupnu funkcionalnu sposobnost. Propisuju se prema aktivnosti bolesti, manualnom mišićnom testu/dinamometriji, opsegu pokreta, kardiorespiratornoj sposobnosti i općenito statusu sustava za kretanje. Na svaku od komponenata može se utjecati ciljano kreiranim vježbama koje bi trebale biti integralni dio terapije miozitisa.