Inflammatory bowel disease
Boris Vucelić
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is heterogenous group of inflammatory disorders characterized by chronic immune activation and infl ammation of the gastrointestinal tract, associated with numerous extraintestinal manifestations. Two most important forms are Crohn’s disease and ulcerative
colitis with several phenotypes. Etiopathogenesis of IBD is still unknown. Diagnostic and therapeutic approach of IBD is very complex and requires excellent knowledge of the clinical course and complications of the disease itself and therapy. The paper provides present therapeutic strategy with emphasis on the importance of mucosal healing and analysis of present knowledge of the role of biologics in the therapy of IBD.
Upalne bolesti crijeva su heterogena skupina upalnih bolesti karakterizirane kroničnom imunom aktivacijom i upalom gastrointestinalnog trakta praćene brojnim ekstraintestinalnim komplikacijama. Dvije najvažnije forme bolesti su Crohnova bolest i ulcerozni kolitis s brojnim fenotipovima. Patogeneza bolesti je još uvijek nejasna. Dijagnostički i terapijski pristup je vrlo kompleksan i zahtijeva dobro poznavanje tijeka i komplikacija bolesti
i terapije. U ovom radu je prikazana sadašnja terapijska strategija s posebnim naglaskom na važnost procesa mukoznog cijeljenja te analiza saznanja o mjestu biološke terapije u liječenju IBD.