Nada Čikeš
One of the main concerns of people with chronic conditions, particularly rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases, is the availability of quality health care, which is being analyzed. Th ere are differences between European countries regarding the access to health care. The pressure of the financial crisis has been recognized in making barriers more evident. Representatives of the European Parliament together with stakeholder organizations create policy documents for optimizing access to health care at both the EU and national levels. Great care is taken with the education of medical doctors and other professionals in rheumatology on all educational levels. Based on a recent study, there are similarities and discrepancies in the implementation of the specialty training programs (Chapter 6 of the UEMS Charter of Specialty Training Programmes) across Europe. In the meantime, the UEMS Council has endorsed the new Training Requirements for the Specialty of Rheumatology – European Standards for Postgraduate Medical Specialist Training. The training program is competency based, stressing the important role of professional behaviour. The document is being forwarded to the national societies in order to be implemented in the European countries. A strategy of assessment methods in the specialty training program is being developed. Work on the e-portfolio for European trainees as well as the European Specialty Board Examination
is in progress.