
Nadica Laktašić Žerjavić, Dragica Soldo Jureša, Đurđica Babić-Naglić, Božidar Ćurković, Kristina Potočki, Renata Žunec, Goran Ivanišević


Genetic association between particular HLADRB1 genes and severity of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been documented in various clinical investigations. Susceptible alleles are *0401, *0404, *0405, *0408, *0101, *1001, *1402. According to the Shared epitope hypothesis presence of these alleles were considered as poor prognostic sign. The aim was to investigate HLA-DRB1 distribution in Croatian arthritis patients. Group of 90 patients with non-specifi c joint arthritis, non-erosive RA and erosive RA were typed for DRB1 alleles by PCRSSP method. Susceptible alleles were identified in 58 (64.44 %) patients. The most frequent genes were DRB1 *0101 (43.33 %), *0401 (17.77 %), *0404 (10 %). 9 out of 58 DRB1* positive patients had 2 susceptible alleles, and the rest (49 patients) had only one susceptible allele. The patients with non-specifi c joint arthritis and nonerosive RA will bee closely followed for more destructive disease course in DRB1* positive patients.

Reumatoidni artritis (RA) pokazuje povezanost teškog oblika bolesti s određenim HLA-DRB1 alelima. Prema teoriji zajedničkog epitopa prisutnost alela DRB1 lokusa *0401, *0404, *0405, *0408, *0101, *1001 i *1402 povezuje se s destruktivnijim oblikom bolesti, posebice ako su prisutna oba alela. Incidencija RA je 5-7 puta veća u nosioca ovih alela. Cilj rada je bio utvrditi raspodjelu HLA-DRB1 alela u skupini hrvatskih bolesnika s artritisom, i utvrditi najučestaliji podložni gen. Metodom PCR-SSP ispitivano je 90 bolesnika s nediferenciranim, početnim artritisom u kojih je bio vjerojatan razvoj RA kao i bolesnici s RA u ranom i razvijenom stadiju bolesti. Kao najčešći predisponirajući alel utvrđen je DRB1 *0101 (43.33% bolesnika), potom *0401 (17.77%  bolesnika) i *0404 (10% bolesnika). Pedesetosam (64.44%) bolesnika je imalo podložne gene, devet (10%) su bili homozigotni nosioci i četrdesetdevet (54,44%) heterozigotni nosioci. Bolesnici s početnim, nediferenciranim artritisom i s RA u ranom stadiju bolesti predviđeni su za daljnje praćenje.