
Ivan Dobrić


The Intruduction includes those eflorescences that might be useful for diagnostics in rheumatology. Further in the text we have described four groups of rheumatic disorders. The first group: rheumatic diseases (lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, systemic scleroderma, the mixed connective tissue disease, allergic vasculitis, polyarteritis) which are the most common from the dermatological point of view. The second group: rheumatic diseases (Wegener’s granulomatosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren, Reiter and Behçet syndrome and Kawasaki’s disease) which are rarely of interest to our dermatologists. In this group there is also psoriatic arthritis, which is not rare in dermatology but its diagnostics and treatment belong to rheumatologists’ field of expertise. The third group: infections (rheumatic fever, diseminated gonococcal infection, subacute bacterial endocarditis, Lyme disesease). The fourth group: metabolic disorders (gout). The diseases of the fi rst group are described completely. In the second, third and fourth group of the diseases we have included only skin changes.

Uvodno su opisane one eflorescencije koje će reumatologu biti dijagnostički korisne. U daljnjem tekstu opisane su četiri skupine reumatskih bolesti. Prva skupina: reumatske, u nas s dermatološkog gledišta najčešće bolesti (eritemski lupus, dermatomiozitis, sistemska sklerodermija, miješana bolest vezivnoga tkiva, alergijski vaskulitis, nodozni periarteriitis). Druga skupina: reumatske bolesti (Wegeneroova granulomatoza, reumatoidni artritis, juvenilini reumatoidni artritis, Sjögrenov, Reiterov i Behçetov sindrom te Kawaskijeva bolest) kojima se u nas dermatolozi rijetko bave. Ovdje je uvršten i psorijatički artritis koji u dermatološkoj praksi nije rijedak, no dijagnostika i terapija ove bolesti pripadaju u područje rada reumatologa. Treća skupina: infekcije (reumatska vrućica, diseminirana gonokokna infekcija, subakutni bakterijski endokarditis i Lyme disease). Četvrta skupina: metabolički poremećaji (urički artritis). Bolesti prve skupine opisane su u potpunosti, dok su za bolesti druge, treće i četvrte skupine opisane samo promjene kože.

Vol.: 52