Application of radiological imaging in rheumatoid arthritis


Kristina Potočki, Dubravko Bajramović


Advancement in technology and development in the field of radiological equipment provides us with a variety of diagnostic possibilities. Once diagnosed, further grading of pathologic condition is needed in order to monitor the changes of affected joints, either progression due to the course of the disease or remission due to the applied therapy. Different methods used in imaging of musculoskeletal system are discussed, including use of standard radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance, ultrasound and Color Doppler imaging. Bone mineral density results add much additional data so densitometry scanning is performed routinely.

Tehnološki napredak i razvoj radioloških uređaja pruža veće mogućnosti u dijagnostičkom postupku. Dijagnosticiranu bolest potrebno je stupnjevati da bismo promjene pojedinih zglobova lakše pratili, bilo da su uvjetovane progresijom bolesti ili regresijom zbog terapije. Opisane su mogućnosti slikovne obrade koštano-mišićnog sustava. U dijagnostičkom postupku koristimo standardnu radiološku obradu, kompjuteriziranu tomografiju, magnetsku rezonanciju, ultrazvuk, te kolor-dopler. Važan je podatak i koštana mineralna gustoća pa rutinski snimamo i denzitometriju kostiju.