Osteoanabolics and the forthcoming drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis


Simeon Grazio


Osteoanabolics are bone forming agents. The first approved osteoanabolic drug for the treatment of osteoporosis is teriparatide (TPTD). In the fracture prevention trial TPTD increased lumbar spine, total hip and femoral neck BMD is signifi cantly greater compared with placebo, and it also
prevents new fractures. Diff erently from the antiresorptive drugs, TPTD showed positive effects on various structural indices and microarchitecture using 2D histomorphometric analyses and 3D direct measurement. Th e insight into bone physiopathology and the better understanding of the
core mechanisms involved in the development of osteoporosis led to the development of new compounds with therapeutic potential. Among them the most promising are Cathepsin K inhibitors and anti-sclerostin drugs.

Osteoanabolici su agensi koji stvaraju kost. Prvi odobreni lijek s osteoanaboličkim djelovanjem za liječenje osteoporoze jest teriparatid. U studiji Fracture Preventiuon Trial teriparatid je povećao mineralnu gustoću kosti slabinske kralježnice, proksimalnog femura i vrata femura znatno više u odnosu na placebo, a također je prevenirao nove prijelome. Za razliku od antiresorptivnih lijekova, teriparatid je pokazao pozitivne učinke na različite pokazatelje strukture i mikroarhitekture primjenom 2D histomorfometrijske analize i izravnih 3D mjerenja. Bolji uvid u patofi ziologiju kosti i razumijevanje glavnih mehanizama uključenih u razvoj osteoporoze doveli su do razvoja novih spojeva s terapijskim potencijalom. Među njima najviše obećavaju inhibitori katepsina K i lijekovi usmjereni na sklerostin.