
Kristina Potočki


Osteoporosis, a chronic progressive disease, is the most common metabolic bone disease and can affect almost the entire skeleton. Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue, with a consequent increase in bone fragility. The disease often does not become clinically apparent until a fracture occurs. However, the sensitivity, examination time, cost, and radiation exposure of the different imaging techniques differ greatly. Imaging options include conventional x-ray images, US, QUS, SPA, DPA, quantitative CT (QCT), densitometry, dual energy xray absorptiometry (DXA), MRI, QMR, SPECT and bone scanning.

Osteoporoza je kronična progresivna bolest, najčešća metabolička koštana bolest koja može zahvatiti cijeli skelet. To je sistemska skeletna bolest karakterizirana niskom koštanom masom i promjenom u mikroarhitektonici kosti koja dovodi do pojačane lomljivosti kosti. Klinički može biti nezamjetljiva do prve frakture. Osjetljivost dijagnostičke metode, cijena koštanja i doza zračenja razlikuje se od metode do metode. Mogućnosti slikovnog prikaza uključuju standardnu klasičnu radiološku obradu, UZV, QUZV, SPA, DPA, QCT; denzitometriju DXA, MR, QMR, SPECT i scintigrafiju kosti.