The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
Đurđica Babić-Naglić
Today, the goal of the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is remission of disease activity which should be achieved through the first 6 months of treatment with conventional disease modifying antirheumatic drugs and tight control principle. Th e treatment must be adjusted to the state of disease on each visit. In the absence of remission or low disease activity biological drugs are indicated. Tapering or withdrawal of any treatment depends on the judgment of the physician and the patient, and should be considered only aft er at least 6 months of stable remission.
Danas je cilj liječenja reumatoidnog artritisa remisija aktivnosti bolesti koju bi trebalo postići kroz prvih šest mjeseci liječenja konvencionalnim sintetskim lijekovima koji mijenjaju tijek bolesti i redovitim učestalim kontrolama bolesnika na kojima se terapija prilagođava statusu bolesnika. Ako izostane remisija ili niska aktivnost bolesti, primjenjuju se biološki lijekovi. Prekid terapije ovisi o procjeni liječnika i bolesnika, a dolazi u obzir tek nakon najmanje šest mjeseci stabilne remisije.