
Višnja Prus, Dražen Bedeković


Polymyositis/dermatomyositis is chronic systemic inflammatory disease that usually affects the skin and muscle tissue. The diagnosis of polymyositis/dermatomyositis isn’t simple, and represents challenge for clinicians, it is based on the integration of results: medical history and clinical presentation, laboratory findings enzymes more or less specific to muscle tissue, myositis-specific autoantibodies and autoantibodies associated with myositis which can be found at other inflammatory connective tissue diseases without myositis, electromyography findings, and biopsy of muscle and skin. Laboratory tests contribute and assist in the diagnosis of polymyositis/dermatomyositis but they should always be evaluated in context with clinical picture and other tests and decisions about diagnosis and/or treatment are based on the integration of the results.

Polimiozitisi/dermatomiozitisi su kronične upalne sistemske bolesti koje najčešće pogađaju mišićno tkivo i kožu. Postavljanje dijagnoze polimiozitisa/dermatomiozitisa je kompleksno i predstavlja izazov za kliničara a temelji se na integraciji rezultata: anamnestičkih podataka i kliničke slike, laboratorijskih nalaza enzima više ili manje specifičnih za mišićno tkivo, miozitis specifičnih autoantitijela i autoantitijela povezanih s miozitisom, koja se mogu naći i kod drugih upalnih bolesti vezivnog tkiva bez miozitisa, nalaza elektromiogafije, te biopsije mišića i kože. Laboratorijski testovi pridonose i pomažu u postavljanju dijagnoze polimiozitisa/dermatomiozitisa, ali ih se uvijek treba promatrati u sklopu kliničke slike i drugih pretraga te na temelju integracije rezultata donositi odluke o dijagnozi i/ili liječenju.