
Tea Schnurrer-Luke-Vrbanić, Doris Stamenković, Viviana Avancini-Dobrović


Routine Assessment of Patient Index Data 3 (RAPID3) is a disease activity index which is computed from a short and simple questionnaire designed to be quick and easy to fill out by the patient, without requiring the help of a physician. It assesses the effect of arthritis on daily life. Originally designed for patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), it can be used for psoriatic arthritis (PA) as well. Although it is quite simple, this index accurately captures the disease activity and is sensitive to change. Th e index contains parts of the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ). Also, many papers have confirmed its correlation with the Disease Activity Score 28 (DAS28). Considering the fact that it is a completely patient-derived index, when interpreting the results it is important to bear in mind the degree of patient education and cross-cultural differences that may affect the positive correlation with the indices described in the literature. Therefore, the aim of our study was to compare the value of the patient-derived RAPID3 index with the patient-practitioner derived HAQ and DAS28 and to determine whether these indices also correlate positively in our study population. This research included a total of 57 patients, 49 with RA and 8 with PA, in whom we studied the association of RAPID3 with the HAQ and DAS28 indices. The study showed that numerical and ordinal values of RAPID3 correlate very strongly (mostly >0.7) with HAQ and DAS28, and that these were statistically significant (the statistical significance diminished in the PA group due to a small number of patients), which means that the results are comparable, and RAPID3 values correspond to the HAQ and DAS28 values. In conclusion, in our patients with RA and PA we have demonstrated a correlation among the investigated indices, and the fact that the RAPID3 index can be an acceptable tool for rapidly measuring and monitoring disease activity in patients with RA in the Croatian rheumatology outpatient practice.

Rutinska procjena bolesnikova indeksa 3 (engl. Routine Assessment of Patient Index Data 3 – RAPID3) jest indeks aktivnosti bolesti koji se izračunava na temelju jednostavnih i kratkih pitanja, a konstruiran je tako da ga bolesnik lako i brzo ispuni bez pomoći liječnika. On procjenjuje učinak upale zgloba na funkciju u aktivnostima svakodnevnog života. Originalno je dizajniran za bolesnike s reumatoidnim artritisom (RA), ali se može primjenjivati i u psorijatičnom artritisu (PsA). Indeks dokazano točno mjeri aktivnost bolesti i osjetljiv je na promjenu. Dio indeksa sadržava dijelove upitnika procjene bolesnikova zdravlja (engl. Health Assessment Questionnaire – HAQ), a mnogi radovi potvrđuju njegovu korelaciju s indeksom aktivnosti bolesti 28 (engl. Disease Activity Score 28 – DAS 28). S obzirom na činjenicu da je to indeks koji bolesnici ispunjavaju samostalno, važno je imati na umu stupanj edukacije bolesnika i međukulturne razlike što bi mogle utjecati na rezultate pozitivne korelacije opisane u literaturi. Stoga su ciljevi našeg istraživanja bili usporediti vrijednosti aktivnosti bolesti prema indeksu RAPID3, koji bolesnici ispunjavaju samo stalno, u odnosu prema indeksu DAS 28 i upitniku HAQ što ga ispunjavaju u interakciji bolesnik–liječnik te utvrditi koreli raju li i u našoj populaciji ti indeksi. U istraživanje je uključeno ukupno 57 bolesnika, 49 s RA i 8 sa PsA kod kojih smo pratili povezanost aktivnosti bolesti prema indeksu RAPID3 u usporedbi s upitnikom HAQ i indeksom DAS 28. Povezanost numeričkih i ordinalnih vrijednosti indeksa RAPID3 s HAQ-om i DAS 28 vrlo je jaka (uglavnom > 0,7 / > 0,6) i statistički značajna (statistička značajnost gubi se u skupini PsA zbog malenog broja bolesnika), što znači da su navedeni rezultati usporedivi te vrijednosti indeksa RAPID3 odgovaraju vrijednostima HAQ-a i DAS 28. Zaključno, u svojih smo bolesnika dokazali korelaciju vrijednosti među ispitivanim indeksima te da indeks RAPID3 može biti prihvatljiv alat za brzo mjerenje aktivnosti bolesti bolesnika s RA u reumatološkim ambulantama u Hrvatskoj.