
Božidar Ćurković


Gout is a severely disabling disorder, leading to poor quality of life, functional impairment with repercussion on physical activity, social functioning and emotional health. On the other hand, gout is probably the best understood and most manageable of all common systemic rheumatic diseases. The treatment of gout is appropriately divided into treatment of the acute attack and prevention of further attacks and of joint damage. Standard management of acute attacks of gout consists of rest, application of ice to the affected joint, and prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or glucocorticoids which should be started immediately to be most effective. Colchicinm and interleukin-1 inhibitors can be used as alternative, when are indicated and available. Urate lowering therapy (usually alopurinol) is indicated to treat recurrent gout attacks, chronic arthropathy, tophi and uric acid renal lithiasis.

Urični artritis je ozbiljna bolest koja vodi lošoj kvaliteti života, funkcionalnoj nesposobnosti s reperkusijama na fizičku aktivnost, emocionalni i socijalni status. S druge strane urični artritis je možda najbolje dijagnostički i terapijski definirana sistemska reumatska bolest. Cilj liječenja uričnog artritisa je dvostruk: liječenje akutne atake i preveniranje sljedećih ataka i oštećenja zgloba. U akutnoj ataci preporuča se mirovanje, primjena leda i imedijatna primjena nesteroidnih antireumatika ili glukokortikoida. Kolhicin i inhibitori interleukina-1 kad su indicirani i dostupni mogu biti alternativa. Prevencija novih ataka provodi se redukcijom i konstantnom kontrolom razine mokraćne kiseline lijekovima (u praksi najčešće alopurinolom), u bolesnika s rekurentnim atakama gihta, kron.