
Zoja Gnjidić


Physical therapy has an important role in treating rheumatic diseases; its goal is to reduced pain, swelling and to keep joints mobile. The properly manage osteoarthritis is nonpharmacological and pharmacological modalities. Physical therapy applied as a remedy for osteoarthritis is a part of multimodal therapy  The basis for physical therapy management is determined by the recommendation of the physical therapeutic science and evidence-based medicine. When making a decision about application of different methods of treatment in physical therapy, it is important to correctly diagnose a structural transformation and functional problem. Systematic review of the scientific, evidence-based, international concensus recommendations for the management of the osteoarthritis published between 2000 and 2010 were identifi ed high-quality evidence therapy practice that is efficient and effective in increasing movement capability function, and reduce pain, disability, medical intake and improved physical function for patients with osteoarthritis.

Fizikalna terapija igra značajnu ulogu u kompleksnom liječenju reumatskih bolesnika sa ciljem smanjenja boli, otekline i održanja pokretljivosti zahvaćenih zglobova. Uz farmakološko liječenje, primjena različitih fizičkih agensa je temelj terapije. Fizikalna terapija u osteoartritisu je dio multimodalnog plana liječenja. Princip primjene fizikalne terapije određen je temeljem preporuka struke te znanstvene utemeljenosti fizikalne medicine, sukladno strukturnom oštećenju i problemu funkcije. Sistematskim pregledom znanstvene literature i postupnika liječenja (2000.-2010.), identificirani su terapijski postupci za koje postoje čvrsti dokazi učinkovitosti u kliničkim istraživanjima.