
Đurđica Babić-Naglić


Chronic pain is defined as persistent pain, which can be either continuous or recurrent and of sufi cient duration and intensity to affect patient’s well being, level of function and quality of life. The assessment should include the use of structured instruments to determine the severity, the impact of psychosocial factors and function. Sensory, affective and cognitive factors contribute to the persistence of pain. Visual analogue scale, numeric and verbal scale are common unidimensional instruments for measurement of the pain intensity. McGill Pain Questionnaire i Brief Pain Inventory are widely used multidimensional tools. Disease specific and generic questionnaires should be applicated to assess disability on personal level. Appropriate diagnosis of chronic pain is the first step to successful treatment.

Kronična bol je perzistirajuća bol koja može biti kontinuirana ili recidivirajuća, dovoljno je dugog trajanja i intenziteta da narušava opće stanje organizma, funkcioniraje i kakvoću života bolesnika. Kronična bol je bolest per se koju treba dijagnosticirati i liječiti neovisno od patološkog organskog supstrata. Senzorna, afektivna i kognitivna komponenta čine kompleks kronične boli. Vizualna analogna skala, numerička i verbalna skala su unidimenzionalni instrumenti procjene intenziteta boli. McGill Pain Questionnaire i Brief Pain Inventory su najpoznatiji multidimenzionalni instrumenti koji respektiraju afektivnu i kognitivnu sferu. Za ocjenu funkcionalnog statusa bolesnika primjenjuju se upitnici specifični za bolest i opći, generički upitnici. Uspješan tretman boli započinje ispravnom inicijalnom dijagnozom bolesti i boli.