Analysis of the course of rheumatoid arthritis depending on the climatic and geographic zones of Uzbekistan


Khalmurad Sadullaevich Akhmedov, Abdigaff ar Gadaevich Gadaev, Nodir Yakubovich Sayfiyev


The aim of this study was to evaluate the features of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) as well as other health problems and treatment necessities in various climatic and geographic zones of Uzbekistan. Th e data on 2013 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of RA were collected retrospectively. The results
showed that the Khorezm and Surkhandarya regions dominated by indicators of disease activity and severity, such as a more expressed progressive course; in addition, marked alterations in the reproductive system, especially in women, were observed as well. In contrast, patients from the Namangan and Tashkent zones were characterized by relatively better parameters of interest. In conclusion, the differences in climatic and geographic zones in Uzbekistan may be important for patients with RA. More in-depth studies are needed to get a more accurate insight into the possible influence of climate and environmental factors on RA.

Cilj ove studije bio je istražiti osobine reumatoidnog artritisa (RA) te druge zdravstvene probleme i potrebe za liječenjem u različitim geografskim i klimatskim zonama Uzbekistana. Retrospektivno su sakupljeni podaci o 2013 bolesnika s potvrđenom dijagnozom reumatoidnog artritisa. Rezultati su pokazali da su regije Horezm i Surkandarja dominirale glede pokazatelja aktivnosti i težine bolesti kao što je, primjerice, progresivniji tijek. Također je utvrđeno da su u žena češće znatnije promjene reproduktivnog sustava. Nasuprot tome, pacijenti iz zona Namangan i Taškent obilježeni su relativno boljim parametrima od interesa. U zaključku, razlike u klimatskim i geografskim zonama u Uzbekistanu mogu biti važne za bolesnike s RA. Potrebne su nove, detaljnije studije da bi se dobio točniji uvid u mogući utjecaj klimatskih i okolinskih čimbenika na RA.