
Jadranka Morović-Vergles, Dušanka Martinović-Kaliterna


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, systemic disease. Female patients outnumber males in a ratio of 3:1. Cytokines and immune cells networks have been identified as important mediators in the pathogenesis and perpetuation of infl ammation in RA. This information has been successfully used into the development of new and signifi cantly more effective treatments, for example anticytokines agents. The goal in managing RA is to achieve remission. We report five patients with RA successfully treated with etanercept.

Reumatoidni artritis (RA) je kronična, sistemska upalna bolest koja je tri puta češća u žena. U patogenezi RA i perpetuiranju upale važnu ulogu imaju brojni citokini i imune stanice. Ova spoznaja uspješno je upotrebljena za razvoj i upotrebu novih i značajno učinkovitijih načina liječenja, primjerice, anticitokinskih pripravaka. Cilj liječenja bolesnika s RA je postizanje remisije. U radu smo prikazali petero bolesnika s RA uspješno liječenih etanerceptom.