Changes in social relations as a consequence of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis


Nedima Kapidžić-Bašić, Šahza Kikanović, Asja Hotić-Hadžiefendić, Dževad Džananović


Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) suffer from a lot of pain, have difficulties with movement, so it is therefore logical for them to have less social contact, i.e. socializing with friends and family. Aim of the study was to examine social relations of the patients with RA and OA, and to establish the reasons for such relations. Survey conducted 55 patients, 29 patients with RA and 26 patients with knee OA. From all patients data from domain of social contacts have been taken. They filled in self-evaluation scale for depression by Zung-SDS, and functional ability was assessed by Health Assessment Questionnaire HAQ (for RA) and by Laquesne index (for OA). Most patients in both groups narrowed the number of people with whom they socialize 82.8 % RA patients and 80.7 % OA patients and now they socialize with the closest family. Able to socialize are 31 % RA patients and 53 % OA patients. Daily pain cites 71 % RA patients and 64 % OA patients. Depression is present by most of the patients, 82.8 % RA patients, and 73.1 % OA patients. Functional ability is decreased by all patients, slightly more by RA patients. Most examined patients narrowed the number of people with whom they socialize, where RA patients feel more unable for going for visit. Th e reason for decreased social contact is not just reduced functional ability, and daily pain, but also depression that is present in high percentage in both groups, more and in higher level by patients with RA.

Reumatski bolesnici trpe bolove i imaju problema sa kretanjem, što može dovesti do promjena u socijalnim odnosima. Cilj rada je da se ispitaju socijalni odnosi u bolesnika s reumatoidnim artritisom i osteoartritisom i utvrde razlozi za takve odnose. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 55 bolesnika (29 sa reumatoidnim artritisom i 26 sa osteoartritisom koljena). Uzeti su podaci iz domena socijalnih odnosa, popunili su samoprocjensku skalu za depresiju po Zungu, a funkcionalna sposobnost je ocijenjena sa funkcionalnim indexima. Utvrđeno je u obje skupine bolesnika da je funkcionalna sposobnost smanjena, da većina ima stalnu bol i depresiju (teži stupnjevi depresije su nađeni kod reumatoidnog artritisa). Većina je suzila broj osoba sa kojima se druže (82,8 % sa reumatoidnim artritisom i 80,7 % sa osteoartritisom), dok nikako ne može praviti posjete 55 % bolesnika sa reumatoidnim artritisom i 30,7 % bolesnika s osteoartritisom. Na smanjenje socijalnih kontakata je svakako utjecala smanjena funkcionalna sposobnost i bol, ali značajan utjecaj ima i depresija, koja može biti i uzrok i posljedica, o čemu se malo vodi računa.