On the occasion of 85th anniversary of “Therapy” and 75th anniversary of “Central rheuma-station” in Zagreb


Theodor Dürrigl, Mladen Čuljak


On the occasion of two anniversaries of the “Outpatient department for rheumatology, physical therapy and rehabilitation Dr. Drago Čop”, the paper presents its history, from the building of the Central Beureau for Workers’ Insurance till the mid 1960s. In 1928 an outpatient department for physical therapy with a public bath was founded, while in 1938 the Central rheuma-station was established as the first rheumatologic institution in Southeastern Europe. During the period presented, a lively activity developed at that institution: a professional rheumatologic association was founded, the journal “Reumatizam” appeared, education in rheumatology commenced, and first teaching materials were published.

U povodu dviju obljetnica današnje “Poliklinike za reumatologiju, fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju Dr. Drago Čop” prikazan je njen historijat, od početaka izgradnje zgrade Središnjeg ureda za osiguranje radnika do sredine 1960-ih godina. Godine 1928. osnovana je poliklinička ustanova za fizikalnu terapiju s javnim kupalištem, a 1938. osnovana je Centralna reuma-stanica, prva reumatološka ustanova na jugoistoku Europe. Tijekom opisanoga razdoblja u njoj se razvila intenzivna stručna aktivnost: osnovana je profesionalna reumatološka udruga, pokrenut časopis “Reumatizam”, započeta nastava iz reumatologije i izdani prvi nastavni tekstovi.

Vol.: 60

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